Since 2010
Publications indexed on PubMed and on Google Scholar
Peer-reviewed Journals | * Student
- van der Wal, A. Cockcroft, M. Kobo, L. Kgakole , N. Marokaone, M. Johri, I. Vedel, N. Andersson. HIV-sensitive Social Protection for Unemployed and Out-of-School Young Women in Botswana: An Exploratory Study of Barriers and Solutions. PLOS One PLOS ONE 19(1): e0293824.
- Shams El Arifeen, John Grove, Peter M. Hansen, James R Hargreaves, Hope L. Johnson, Mira Johri, Esther Saville. Evaluating global health initiatives to improve health equity. Bull World Health Organ. 2024 Feb 1;102(2):137-139. doi: 10.2471/BLT.23.290531. Epub 2023 Oct 31. PMID: 38313152
- Chaillet N, Mâsse B, Grobman WA, Shorten A, Gauthier R, Rozenberg P, Dugas M, Pasquier JC, Audibert F, Abenhaim HA, Demers S, Piedboeuf B, Fraser WD, Gagnon R, Gagné GP, Francoeur D, Girard I, Duperron L, Bédard MJ, Johri M, Dubé E, Blouin S, Ducruet T, Girard M, Bujold E; PRISMA Trial research group. Perinatal morbidity among women with a previous caesarean delivery (PRISMA trial): a cluster-randomised trial. Lancet. 2024;403(10421):44-54
- Johri M, Ng E, S. W. , Sharkey A, Bosson-Rieutort D, Kone GK, Subramanian SV. Effects of zero-dose vaccination status in early childhood and level of community socioeconomic development on learning attainment in preadolescence in India: a population-based cohort study. BMJ Public Health. 2023;1(1):e000022. doi: 10.1136/bmjph-2023-000022
- van der Wal R*, Kobo M, Cockcroft A, Vedel I, Johri M, Andersson N. Vulnerable young women and frontline service providers identify options to improve the HIV-sensitivity of social protection programmes in Botswana: A modified Policy Delphi approach. Global Public Health. 2023;18(1):2255030.
- Pant, D., Talukder, D., Seth, A., Pant, D.*, Singh, R., Dua, B., Pandey, R., Maruthi, S., Johri, M., Arora, C., 2023. Robust OCR Pipeline for Automated Digitization of Mother and Child Protection Cards in India. ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies. Volume 1, Issue 1. Article No.: 3 pp 1–24
- Taneja G, Datta E, Sapru M, Johri M, Singh K, Jandu H, Das S, Ray A, Laserson K, Dhawan V (February 24, 2023) An Equity Analysis of Zero-Dose Children in India Using the National Family Health Survey Data: Status, Challenges, and Next Steps. Cureus 15(2): e35404 doi:10.7759/cureus.35404
- Gutiérrez JP, Johri M. Socioeconomic and geographic inequities in vaccination among children 12 to 59 months in Mexico, 2012 to 2021. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2023;47:e35.
- Rajpal S, Kumar A, Johri M, Kim R, Subramanian SV. Patterns in the Prevalence of Unvaccinated Children Across 36 States and Union Territories in India, 1993-2021. JAMA Network Open. 2023;6(2):e2254919. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.54919
- Ivanova, V.*; Shahabuddin, A.S.M.; Sharkey, A.; Johri, M. Advancing Immunization Coverage and Equity: A Structured Synthesis of Pro-Equity Strategies in 61 Gavi-Supported Countries. Vaccines 2023, 11, 191.
- Ducharme, J.*; Correa, G.C.; Reynolds, H.W.; Sharkey, A.B.; Fonner, V.A.; Johri, M. Mapping of Pro-Equity Interventions Proposed by Immunisation Programs in Gavi Health Systems Strengthening Grants. Vaccines 2023, 11, 341.
- Nassiri-Ansari T, Atuhebwe P, Ayisi AS, Goulding S, Johri M, Allotey P, Schwalbe N. Shifting gender barriers in immunisation in the COVID-19 pandemic response and beyond. Lancet. 2022 Jul 2;400(10345):24. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)01189-8. PMID: 35780789; PMCID: PMC9246460. [Correspondence]
- Wang H, Seth A, Johri M, Kalra E, Singhal A. Communication infrastructure and community mobilization: the case of Gram Vaani’s COVID-19 response network for the marginalized in India. Journal of Development Communication, Volume 32(2), 2021
- Johri M, Rajpal S, Subramanian SV. Progress in reaching unvaccinated (zero-dose) children in India, 1992–2016: a multilevel, geospatial analysis of repeated cross-sectional surveys. The Lancet Global Health. 2021;9(12):e1697-e706. [Editor’s Pick]
- van der Wal R*, Loutfi D, Hong QN, Vedel I, Cockcroft A, Johri M, et al. HIV-sensitive social protection for vulnerable young women in East and Southern Africa: a systematic review. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2021;24(9):e25787.
- Labonté R., Johri, M., Plamandon, K., Murthy, S. [Editorial] “Canada, global vaccine supply, and the TRIPS waiver Le Canada, l’offre mondiale de vaccins et l’exemption ADPIC,”Canadian Journal of Public Health (2021)pp.1-5.
- Johri M, Agarwal S, Khullar A, Chandra D*, Pratap VS, Seth A. The first 100 days: How has COVID-19 affected poor and vulnerable groups in India? Health Promotion International, 2021 COVID-19 Response Policy Brief_Eng2020 COVID-19 Response Policy Brief_Hin
- Johri M, Chandra D*, Kone KG, Sylvestre MP, Mathur AK, Harper S, Nandi A. Social and Behavior Change Communication Interventions Delivered Face-to-Face and by a Mobile Phone to Strengthen Vaccination Uptake and Improve Child Health in Rural India: Randomized Pilot Study JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2020;8(9):e20356
- Pérez MC*, Singh R, Chandra D*, Ridde V, Seth A, Johri M. Development of an mHealth Behavior Change Communication Strategy: A case-study from rural Uttar Pradesh in India. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies; Ecuador: Association for Computing Machinery; 2020. p. 274–8.
- Pérez MC*, Chandra D*, Koné GK, Singh R, Ridde V, Sylvestre M-P, Seth A, Johri M: Implementation fidelity of the Tika Vaani intervention to improve vaccination uptake and other health outcomes among rural Indian children: A Mixed Methods Evaluation of a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial Implement Sci Commun 1, 88 (2020).
- Chan G, Storey JD, Das MK, Sacks E, Johri M, Kabakian-Khasholian T, Paudel D, Yoshida S, Portela A. Global research priorities for social, behavioural and community engagement interventions for maternal, newborn and child health. Health Research Policy and Systems. 2020;18(1):97
- Johri M, Rodgers L*, Chandra D, Abou Rizk C*, Nash E* and Mathur AK. Implementation fidelity of Village Health and Nutrition Days in Hardoi District, Uttar Pradesh, India: A cross-sectional survey. BMC Health Services Research 2019; 19(1): 756.
- Johri M, Sylvestre M-P, Koné GK, Chandra D, Subramanian SV: Effects of improved drinking water quality on early childhood growth in rural Uttar Pradesh, India: A propensity-score analysis. PLOS ONE 2019, 14(1):e0209054.
- Bermudez-Tamayo C*, Johri M and Chaillet N: Budget impact of a program for safely reducing caesarean sections in Canada. Midwifery 2018, 60:20-26.
- Perez MC*, Minoyan N*, Ridde V, Sylvestre MP and Johri M: Comparison of registered and published intervention fidelity assessment in cluster randomised trials of public health interventions in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review. Trials 2018, 19(1):410.
- Chaillet N, Bujold E, Masse B, Grobman WA, Rozenberg P, Pasquier JC, Shorten A, Johri M, Beaudoin F, Abenhaim H and al: A cluster-randomized trial to reduce major perinatal morbidity among women with one prior cesarean delivery in Quebec (PRISMA trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2017, 18(1):434.
- Verguet S, Jones EO, Johri M, Morris SK, Suraweera W, Gauvreau CL, Jha P and Jit M: Characterizing measles transmission in India: a dynamic modeling study using verbal autopsy data. BMC Med 2017, 15(1):151.
- Bermudez-Tamayo C*, Besancon S, Johri M, Assa S, Brown JB and Ramaiya K: Direct and indirect costs of diabetes mellitus in Mali: A case-control study. PLoS One 2017, 12(5):e0176128.
- Arsenault C*, Johri M, Nandi A, Mendoza Rodriguez JM, Hansen PM and Harper S: Country-level predictors of vaccination coverage and inequalities in Gavi-supported countries. Vaccine 2017, 35(18):2479-2488.
- Johri M, Ng ESW, Bermudez-Tamayo C*, Hoch JS, Ducruet T and Chaillet N: A cluster-randomized trial to reduce caesarean delivery rates in Quebec: cost-effectiveness analysis. BMC Med 2017, 15(1):96.
- Arsenault C*, Harper S, Nandi A, Rodriguez JM, Hansen PM and Johri M: An equity dashboard to monitor vaccination coverage. Bull World Health Organ 2017,95(2):128-134.
- Arsenault C*, Harper S, Nandi A, Mendoza Rodriguez JM, Hansen PM and Johri M: Monitoring equity in vaccination coverage: A systematic analysis of demographic and health surveys from 45 Gavi-supported countries. Vaccine 2017, 35(6):951-959.
- Olry de Labry Lima A, Bermudez Tamayo C*, Pastor Moreno G, Bolivar Munoz J, Ruiz Perez I, Johri M, Quesada Jimenez F, Cruz Vela P, de Los Rios Alvarez AM, Prados Quel MA and al: Effectiveness of an intervention to improve diabetes self-management on clinical outcomes in patients with low educational level. Gac Sanit 2017, 31(1):40-47.
- Mukamana O* and Johri M: What is known about school-based interventions for health promotion and their impact in developing countries? A scoping review of the literature. Health Educ Res 2016, 31(5):587-602.
- Johri M, Verguet S, Morris SK, Sharma JK, Ram U, Gauvreau C, Jones E, Jha P and Jit M: Adding interventions to mass measles vaccinations in India. Bull World Health Organ 2016, 94(10):718-727.
- Johri M, Perez M*, Arsenault C*, Sharma JK, Pant Pai N, Pahwa S and Sylvestre MP: Estrategias para incrementar la demanda de vacunación infantil en países de ingresos bajos y medios: una revisión sistemática y un metanálisis. Rev Fac Nac Salud Pública 2016, 34(2):243-255. (Spanish-language version of Bull World Health Organ 2016, 94(10):718-727)
- Perez MC*, Minoyan N*, Ridde V, Sylvestre MP and Johri M: Comparison of registered and published intervention fidelity assessment in cluster randomised trials of public health interventions in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review protocol. Syst Rev 2016, 5(1):177.
- Alouki K*, Delisle H, Bermudez-Tamayo C* and Johri M: Lifestyle Interventions to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review of Economic Evaluation Studies. J Diabetes Res 2016, 2016:2159890.
- Johri M, Subramanian SV, Kone GK, Dudeja S, Chandra D, Minoyan N*, Sylvestre MP and Pahwa S: Maternal Health Literacy Is Associated with Early Childhood Nutritional Status in India. J Nutr 2016, 146(7):1402-1410.
- Chaillet N, Dumont A, Abrahamowicz M, Pasquier JC, Audibert F, Monnier P, Abenhaim HA, Dube E, Dugas M, Burne R and al: A cluster-randomized trial to reduce cesarean delivery rates in Quebec. N Engl J Med 2015, 372(18):1710-1721. (Dr. Johri is a member of the QUARISMA trial group)
- Johri M, Chandra D, Kone GK, Dudeja S, Sylvestre MP, Sharma JK and Pahwa S: Interventions to increase immunisation coverage among children 12-23 months of age in India through participatory learning and community engagement: pilot study for a cluster randomised trial. BMJ Open 2015, 5(9):e007972.
- Johri M, Subramanian SV, Sylvestre MP, Dudeja S, Chandra D, Kone GK, Sharma JK and Pahwa S: Association between maternal health literacy and child vaccination in India: a cross-sectional study. Journal of epidemiology and community health 2015, 69(9):849-857.
- Asada Y, Hurley J, Norheim OF and Johri M: Unexplained health inequality: is it unfair? International journal for equity in health 2015, 14(1):11.
- Verguet S, Johri M, Morris SK, Gauvreau CL, Jha P and Jit M: Controlling measles using supplemental immunization activities: a mathematical model to inform optimal policy. Vaccine 2015, 33(10):1291-1296.
- Johri M, Perez MC*, Arsenault C*, Sharma JK, Pai NP, Pahwa S and Sylvestre MP: Strategies to increase the demand for childhood vaccination in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Bull World Health Organ 2015, 93(5):339-346C.
- Bermudez-Tamayo C*, Johri M, Perez-Ramos FJ, Maroto-Navarro G, Cano-Aguilar A, Garcia-Mochon L, Aceituno L, Audibert F and Chaillet N: Evaluation of quality improvement for cesarean sections caesarean section programmes through mixed methods. Implement Sci 2014, 9:182.
- Asada Y, Hurley J, Norheim OF and Johri M: A three-stage approach to measuring health inequalities and inequities. International journal for equity in health.I 2014, 13:98.
- Johri M, Ridde V, Heinmuller R and Haddad S: Estimation of maternal and child mortality one year after user-fee elimination: an impact evaluation and modelling study in Burkina Faso. Bull World Health Organ 2014, 92(10):706-715.
- Norheim OF, Baltussen R, Johri M, Chisholm D, Nord E, Brock D, Carlsson P, Cookson R, Daniels N, Danis M and al: Guidance on priority setting in health care (GPS-Health): the inclusion of equity criteria not captured by cost-effectiveness analysis. Cost Eff Resour Alloc 2014, 12:18.
- Sissoko D*, Trottier H, Malvy D and Johri M: The influence of compositional and contextual factors on non-receipt of basic vaccines among children of 12-23-month old in India: a multilevel analysis. PLoS One 2014, 9(9):e106528.
- Johri M, Chandra D, Subramanian SV, Sylvestre MP and Pahwa S: MDG 7c for safe drinking water in India: an illusive achievement. Lancet 2014, 383(9926):1379.
- Jafari Y, Johri M, Joseph L, Vadnais C and Pant Pai N: Poor Reporting of Outcomes Beyond Accuracy in Point-of-Care Tests for Syphilis: A Call for a Framework. AIDS research and treatment 2014, 2014:465932.
- Kahn SR, Shapiro S, Wells PS, Rodger MA, Kovacs MJ, Anderson DR, Tagalakis V, Houweling AH, Ducruet T, Holcroft C, Johri M, Solymoss S, Miron MJ, Yeo E, Smith R, Schulman S, Kassis J, Kearon C, Chagnon I, Wong T, Demers C, Hanmiah R, Kaatz S, Selby R, Rathbun S, Desmarais S, Opatrny L, Ortel TL and Ginsberg JS: Compression stockings to prevent post-thrombotic syndrome: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2014, 383(9920):880-888.
- Soubeiga D, Gauvin L, Hatem MA and Johri M: Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR) interventions to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality in developing countries: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2014, 14(1):129.
- Johri M, Sharma JK, Jit M and Verguet S: Use of measles supplemental immunization activities (SIAs) as a delivery platform for other maternal and child health interventions: opportunities and challenges. Vaccine 2013, 31(9):1259-1263.
- Johri M, Chung R, Dawson A and Schrecker T: Global health and national borders: the ethics of foreign aid in a time of financial crisis. Global Health 2012, 8(1):19. [Reprinted in: Ezekiel Emanuel, Andrew Steinmetz, and Harald Schmidt (eds): Rationing and resource allocation in healthcare: essential readings : Oxford University Press, New York, 2018, 558 pp, ISBN: 978-0-19-020075-6. Chapter 15 Global Health Priorities (article included as 1 of 5 essential readings)]
- Johri M and Norheim OF: Can cost-effectiveness analysis integrate concerns for equity? Systematic review. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 2012, 28(2):125-132.
- Guanella R, Ducruet T, Johri M, Miron MJ, Roussin A, Desmarais S, Joyal F, Kassis J, Solymoss S, Ginsberg JS and al: Economic burden and cost determinants of deep vein thrombosis during 2 years following diagnosis: a prospective evaluation. J Thromb Haemost 2011, 9(12):2397-2405.
- Johri M, Morales RE, Boivin JF, Samayoa BE, Hoch JS, Grazioso CF, Barrios Matta IJ, Sommen C, Baide Diaz EL, Fong HR and al: Increased risk of miscarriage among women experiencing physical or sexual intimate partner violence during pregnancy in Guatemala City, Guatemala: cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2011, 11(1):49.
- Baltussen R, Norheim OF and Johri M: Fairness in service choice: an important yet underdeveloped path to universal coverage. Trop Med Int Health 2011, 16(7):838-839.
- Johri M and Ako-Arrey D*: The cost-effectiveness of preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review. Cost Eff Resour Alloc 2011, 9:3.
- Johri M, Morales RE, Hoch JS, Samayoa BE, Sommen C, Grazioso CF, Boivin JF, Barrios IJ, Baide E and Arathoon E: A cross-sectional study of risk factors for HIV among pregnant women in Guatemala City, Guatemala: Lessons for prevention. Int J STD AIDS 2010, 21:789-796.